Sunday, January 1, 2012

Weekly Wish List The Last of 2011

These releases round out the end of 2011

Midnight in Paris - Woody Allen
One of the most prolific directors of all time is sure to have his ups and downs. I thought You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger treaded water Allen has been in before, so it's with great anticipation to see him take on something as different as this film. Word on the film is that it's great and with its grounding in literary haughtiness I imagine this will resonate quite strongly with me. Plus Brody as Dali sounds amazing.

Margin Call - JC Chandor
My pick for best new talent. This movie is absolutely topical and will be interesting to see how it ages. I imagine this will be like Wall Street and become a go to film for capturing a moment in our economic history. Amazing debut, with some great performances. Here's my original thoughts.

Warrior - Gavin O'connor
I don't know much about MMA. I don't really care to learn more. The two reasons I want to see this are Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton. The two star as brothers both rising in the ranks of the MMA only to have the inevitable fight. Cliche enough but the movie has some die hard support from its fans. Also Tom Hardy is on the brink of super stardom and an incredibly interesting actor. The physicality and charisma he brings to each role is amazing so far, this material seems perfect for him. Edgerton has had some great roles in the Australian indie scene, and is just waiting to get the right shot here in the states. His roles in Animal Kingdom and The Square were great simple performances, and I'd love to see him get the same quality material over here( not The Thing remake remake)

Fish Story - Yoshihiro Nakamura
What if a punk song saved the world? As a comet hurtles towards earth three men in a record store talk about one punk song that can save the world. This multi thread story goes through every decade from the 70s on as it's meaning unfolds before your eyes. I've heard nothing but raves for the film and am excited to finally watch it for myself.


One last thought - happy new year everyone know I actually had this article written for a long time just never got it up. Resolution- meet my deadlines.

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