Saturday, June 28, 2014

It's a Date! Doctor Who Set for August Premiere

I've recently written about my new found love for Doctor Who. Wait, no that's an understatement. Most of 2013 was spent in fact devouring each season(since Eccleston) culminating in a trip to the theater to watch the amazing Anniversary special. Since then, thanks to a precocious young chap I have spent my time since revisiting a greatest hits collection across the past 7 seasons. Needless to say, this is a family of Whovians. We drank the Kool-Aid and with my son in tow we feverishly await the new Doctor as he is to arrive Aug 23.

Capaldi is amazing and I for one am beyond excited to see what he brings to the table. I imagine he will be a game changer in the same way that Eccleston was when the series was "rebooted at the turn of the century. If this teaser is any indication. The Doctor will be facing some dark times ahead. Then again we still have Moffat behind the wheel so no need to worry my friends there is sure to be plenty of whimsy and oddly colored kidneys. Fantastic.


One last thought - one more time... Just want to see them one more time

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