Friday, September 5, 2014

PORTEcast (09/05/2014) - A Fond Look at America's First Family, The Simpsons

PORTEcast (09/05/2014) - A Fond Look at America's First Family, The Simpsons

The Simpsons are a cultural phenomenon in its truest sense. I suppose that it would have to be considering the longevity of this show and its title as the "Longest running animated show/ Primetime scripted show/ Longest running sitcom" in American history. The gents at PORTEmaus are going to sit an discuss our favorite episodes from the show and bits from a show that had a lasting impact on how we view comedy and comedic writing as a whole. Also, we risk burning down the studio as we attempt to replicate the concoction made by famous by Homer Simpson, the Flaming Moe.

Download this episode (right click and save)

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